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Shaun Rosier

Assistant Professor

Shaun Rosier is a landscape architectural and urban designer originally from Wellington, New Zealand. He previously taught at Victoria University of Wellington’s Landscape Architecture Programme, where he also received a Practice-based PhD in Landscape Architecture.

His primary creative practice, research, and teaching interests revolve around interrogating design and design-research methods through explorations of technique, method, and representation. Central to this is affirming the capacity of design-research, specifically design as a means of knowledge generation and critique. This work revolves around a close and sustained engagement with the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, particularly their notions of affect and assemblage, alongside Alfred North Whitehead, and contemporary New Materialist thinking.

At present, this work has been paired with an interrogation of urban aggregate reclamation strategies. Specifically, the question of how landscape architectural and urban design can be inserted significantly earlier into the extraction process is being formulated through creative practice works, traditional scholarship, and industry partnerships.

Shaun’s work seeks to challenge assumptions of landscape, capitalism, settler-colonial systems, research, and ways of looking at the world through a speculative-realist lens by asking “what could be” rather than “what should be”.

Landscape architectural design techniques and practices, Quarry/open pit mine rehabilitation, Landscape-driven urbanism, Aesthetics of affect in landscape architectural design, Digital design tools and methodologies

LAR 4134: Landscape Representation


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

1. Connolly, Peter, and Shaun Rosier. "Another Approach to the Aesthetics of More-Than-Humanness." Kerb Journal of Landscape Architecture 28 (2020): Upcoming.


Peer-reviewed Conference Papers

1. Rosier, Shaun. "Operationalising the sublime: bringing the sublime from abstract to concrete." In International Conference of the Architectural Science Association, pp. 611–618. 2018.


Peer-reviewed Works Accepted Awaiting Publication

1. Rosier, Shaun. "An Encounter with Stone: designing with the aesthetic force of post-mining landscapes.” In Journal of Landscape Architecture Issue 2 (2022)



1. Rosier, Shaun. “Can quarried sites ever be returned to their natural state?” In Quarry. February 2021. 38. (note: Australasia’s largest periodical in the mining industry)

2. Rosier, Shaun. “Mining companies are required to return quarried sites to their ‘natural character’. But is that enough?”. In The Conversation. 26 November 2020.

3. Rosier, Shaun. “A reorientation towards aesthetics: Landscape architecture and the operationalisation of the sublime.” In Interstices Under Construction Symposium + Colloquim: Presence. 2018

4. Public life of two Kapiti Towns. Shaun Rosier and Peter Connolly. Client: Kapiti Coast District Council. Victoria University Research Scholarship. 2015.


Works in Progress – Under review

1. Rosier, Shaun. "Problematising the Physiological Sublime: Landscape Architecture’s experimentation with difference." In Studies in Designed Landscapes and gardens


Works in Progress – In Progress

1. Rosier, Shaun. "A Contraction of Here and Now: assemblages of site in contemporary landscape architecture.” In Landscape Research.


Invited Critic

1. September 2022: Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington School of Architecture – mid-point review of Master of Landscape Architecture design research portfolio candidates

2. August 2021: Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington School of Architecture – mid-point review of Master of Landscape Architecture design research portfolio candidates

3. August 2019: Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington School of Architecture – mid-point review of Master of Landscape Architecture design research portfolio candidates


Invited Peer Reviewer

1. 2022: Peer Reviewer for the 2022 CELA Landscape Research Record (11th ed), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Track.


PhD. in Landscape Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

PGDip. in Landscape Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

BAS. in Landscape Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
