Terry Clements, FASLA, FCELA, LA
- Landscape Architecture Program Chair
Terry Clements is Professor and Chair of the Landscape Architecture Program at Virginia Tech. She has been an active member of the ASLA, IFLA, and CELA at local and international levels for over 30 years, advocating landscape architecture as an agent of community health and well-being, growth in the profession of landscape architecture, professional licensure and design education. Her courses engage students and communities in site and master plan design investigations and professional practice, as well as cultural landscape studies. Her scholarship and outreach activities address community engagement practices and impacts within the disciplines of the built environment.
Cultural landscape studies, Women in landscape architecture, Design education and pedagogy, Community engagement, Professional outreach and service
Undergraduate and graduate design studios
Evolution of the American Landscape
Education Abroad
Special Studies
Kawthar Alrayyan & Clements T. (2022) “Genealogy of Cultural Landscape Definitions: A Comparative Review of Scholarly and Institutional Definitions” Landscape Research Record (11) under review.
Meyers, R., Clements, T., & Ford, M. (2021). Advancing a Framework to Increase Community Support for Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaics. In Videos on demand. On-line.
Clements, T. (2020) review of Moveable Markets: Food Wholesaling in the Twentieth-Century City, by Helen Tangires; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019 for Landscape Architecture Magazine, August 2020.
Alisan Yetkin* A. & Clements T. (2018) Using Individual and Group Community-Based Methods to Document Cultural Landscapes Elements. Landscape Research Record (7), 244-257.
Bohanon, C.L. and T. Clements. (2017) “Reflect, Articulate, Project” in Chapter 3: Reflect, Articulate, Project. In Design as Democracy: Techniques for Collective Creativity. (pp. 91-94). Washington DC: Island Press
Zheng C; Miller P; Clements T; Kim M. (2017). Mapping Research in Landscape Architecture: Balancing Supply of Academic Knowledge and Demand of Professional Practice. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 13(7), 3653-3673. doi:10.12973/eurasia.2017.00751a
Bohannon, C., & Clements, T. (2016) Reflections on Community Engagement: Making Meaning of Experience. In Community-Built Art, Construction, Preservation, and Place (pp. 51-65). Routledge.
Clements, Terry. 2014. “Learning Cultural Landscapes,” CAUS for Learning. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech College of Architecture and Urban Studies, p. 12+.
Clements, Terry L., 2012. Where are the Women in Landscape Architecture. In Women in Landscape Architecture: essays on history and practice, edited by L. Mozingo and L. Jewell. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company.
Clements, Terry L., and Sarah J. Dorminey*. 2011. Spectrum Matrix: landscape design and landscape experience. Landscape Journal 30 (2):241-260.
Elected Fellow of the Council of Educators of Landscape Architecture (CELA), 2017
College of Architecture and Urban Studies (CAUS) Excellence in Outreach Award, 2014 and 2006 Virginia Tech Alumni Award of Teaching Excellence, 2014
International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Certificate of Appreciation for Service on the Strategic Plan Working Committee, 2014
IFLA Certificate of Appreciation for Service as Interim Chair on the Committee on Education. 2014. Elected Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), 2013
CELA Excellence in Teaching Award -senior level, 2013 Virginia Tech Certificate of Teaching Excellence, 2013
VT Engaged Scholar, Office of Outreach and International Affairs, 2012 CAUS Teaching Excellence Award, 2011
CELA Research and Communication Award, Team award for development of on-line research paper review system, 2011
US Mission to the United Nations, Certificate of Appreciation from Betty King, US Ambassador to the United Nations, 2010
IFLA Americas Certificate of Appreciation for participation in the conference on building landscape architecture education in Latin America, Medellin, Columbia, 2008
VA ASLA, President's Award, 2020, 2018, 2007, 1998, and 1997 VA
Master of Landscape Architecture, University of California Berkeley
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry