Vincenzo Cribari
Dr. Cribari graduated in Architecture from the University of Florence in 2002, and since 2003, he has been a registered landscape architect, urban planner, and architect in Italy, where he has worked in both professional and academic settings. He earned a Ph.D. in Human and Community Development and a Graduate Certificate in GIS and Spatial Analysis from the Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Design at West Virginia University in 2022.
The main projects he has conducted in Italy included studies for the redevelopment of brownfields, industrial and mixed-industrial areas, as well as work on mobility and multiple infrastructure design projects, with an emphasis on the interactions between the built environment and open, natural spaces. Some of his works have been produced as a result of winning national and international competitions. From 2010 to 2016, he was a research fellow and instructor at the University of Trento in Italy, where he focused on urban design, landscape studies and analysis, greenways and green infrastructure, infrastructure projects, and spatial planning, with a focus on the territorial dimension of recycling. He was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture at West Virginia University from 2022 to 2024.
Cribari's most recent research includes investigations into the changes that occurred in historical human–environmental interactions in the Central Appalachians, focusing on the most recent coal extractive processes that characterize large areas of the landscapes of this broad rural mining region. His pedagogical philosophy in design and research emphasizes a problem-solving methodology that incorporates interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches, often using a systems perspective to address the complex, multifaceted challenges of contemporary society and sustainability across various scales, including spatial, social-ecological, technological, and temporal dimensions.
Landscape and land-change processes; landscape characterization and landscape character assessment; ecosystem services and social-ecological systems; ecological planning and design; sustainability; GIS, remote sensing, and spatial analysis
LAR 3044/5044: Land Analysis and Site Planning
LAR 3015/5124: Landscape Architecture Design Studio: Site, Program and Community
LAR 4014/5014G: Design and Construction Documentation
Peer Reviewed Journals
Cribari, V., Strager, M. P., Geneletti, D., & Yuill, C. (2022). Analyzing the interactions among multiple ecosystem services in a rural mining region in Central Appalachians. Ecosystems and People, 18(1), 189–211.
Cribari, V., Strager, M. P., Maxwell, A. E., & Yuill, C. (2021). Landscape Changes in the Southern Coalfields of West Virginia: Multi-Level Intensity Analysis and Surface Mining Transitions in the Headwaters of the Coal River from 1976 to 2016. Land, 10(7).
Staniscia, S., Yuill, C., & Cribari, V. (2020). Four plus one dimensions of transferability: defining a framework for the application of a landscape characterization in the USA. City, Territory and Architecture, 7(1).
Cribari, V., Mattiucci, C., & Staniscia, S. (2016). Dicotomie di un territorio tra fondovalle e montagna [Dichotomies of a territory between the valley floor and the mountains]. Scienze Del Territorio, 4, 163-171.
Books (authored)
Battaino, C., Cacciaguerra G., Costantini M., Cribari V., Diamantini C., Revolti A., Staniscia S., Zecchin, L. (Eds.). (2016). Nuovi cicli di vita per architetture e infrastrutture del paesaggio Trentino [New life cycles for architectures and infrastructures of the Trentino landscape.]. Aracne Editrice. ISBN: 978-88-548-9906-3. []
Cribari, V., Del Signore, M. (Eds.). (2017). Seven Strategies for Urbanism. University of Trento Press - List, Trento (IT).
Book Chapters and Essays
Diamantini, C., Cribari, V., Staniscia, S. (2016). Re-cycle. Un’esperienza alla scala di territorio: il tratto della Valle dell’Adige a nord di Trento. [Re-cycle. An experience at the territorial scale: the section of the Adige Valley north of Trento.]. In C. Battaino, G. Cacciaguerra, M. Costantini, V. Cribari, C. Diamantini, A. Revolti, S. Staniscia, & L. Zecchin (Eds.), Nuovi cicli di vita per architetture e infrastrutture del paesaggio Trentino (pp. 22-73). Aracne Editrice.
Cribari, V. (2016). Ecologie per il progetto contemporaneo: tra aspettative e metodo [Ecologies for contemporary design: between expectations and methods]. In V. Cribari, M. Del Signore (Eds.), Seven Strategies for Urbanism. University of Trento Press, List, Trento (IT).
Cribari, V. (2015). Un treno che genera paesaggi: progetto per la nuova ferrovia Trento-Tione [A train that generates landscapes: the project for the new railway line Trento-Tione]. In P. Scaglione, G. Sgaramella (Eds.), Spostamenti Intelligenti, verso nuovi paesaggi ecologici. List, Rovereto.
Cribari, V., Staniscia, S. (2014). Le Trasformazioni del Paesaggio Agricolo della Rotaliana-Königsberg: Potenzialità Progettuali nell'Ambito del Recycling [The Transformations of the Rotaliana-Königsberg Agricultural Landscape: Design Potentials in the Domain of Recycling]. In P. Misino, M. Manigrasso (Eds.), Orditure del Terzo Spazio. Dal Consumo di Suolo al Riciclo delle Aree Produttive Agricole (pp.121-135). Aracne Editrice, Roma.
Cribari, V. (2013). From machine society to the infrastructural landscapes. The new relational devices of the osmotic infrastructure. In G. Scaglione, M. Ricci (Eds.), A22 New ecologies for the osmotic infrastructures, List, Trento (Italy).
Cribari, V. (2010), Scenari urbani a sud, verso un’altra immagine: dal disastro alla riconversione [Urban scenarios in the south, toward another image: from disaster to redevelopment]. P. Scaglione (Ed.), Cosengeles. piccole metropoli spontanee. LIStLab, Trento-Barcelona.
Journals and Magazines edited
Cribari V., Geneletti D. (Eds.). (2016). Pianificazione territoriale e processi ecologici [Regional planning and ecological processes]. Sentieri Urbani 19, Bi Quattro Editrice, Trento. []
Cribari V., E. Coletti, D. Pizzini, G. Ulrici (Eds.). (2014) Aree produttive e progetto urbanistico [Manufacturing areas and urban design]. Sentieri Urbani 14. Bi Quattro Editrice, Trento. []
Articles in Journals and Magazines
Cribari V., Tecilla G. (2016). Trentino: nuove stazioni per gli impianti di risalita [Trentino: new ski lifts areas], Dislivelli 66(4), Torino (IT).
Cribari V., Tecilla G. (2016). Aree di partenza degli impianti: proposte di riqualificazione [Ski lift departure areas: redevelopment proposals], Cantieri d'alta quota magazine, Anno IV, n.7. Segnidartos Edizioni.
Cribari, V. (2016). Ecologie per il progetto contemporaneo: tra aspettative e metodo [Ecologies for contemporary design: between expectations and methods]. V. Cribari, D. Geneletti (Eds.) Pianificazione territoriale e processi ecologici, Sentieri Urbani 19 (p. 42-45). Bi Quattro Editrice, Trento.
Cribari V. (2014). Dalle trasformazioni recenti delle produzioni ai luoghi: tassonomie per il riciclo delle aree industriali miste [From the recent manufacturing shifts to places: taxonomies for the recycling of mixed industrial areas]. V. Cribari, E. Coletti, D. Pizzini, G. Ulrici (Eds.). Aree produttive e progetto urbanistico, Sentieri Urbani 14. Bi Quattro Editrice, Trento.
Cribari V. (2014). Re-cycle, verso una dimensione territoriale. Il caso della Rotaliana-Königsberg [Re-cycle, toward a territorial dimension. The case of Rotaliana-Königsberg.]. ALPS 5, Clima e Recycle. ListLab, Trento.
Cribari V. (2012). Le Albere in Trento, a new eco-neighbourhood by Renzo Piano. P. Scaglione, C. Rizzi, S. Staniscia, E. Zanchini (Eds.). Trentino-Alto Adige. Una regione sostenibile. Eco Web Town 4, online Magazine of Sustainable Design, SCUT Urban and Territorial Competitive Development, Ud’A Research Center University of Chieti-Pescara.
Articles Published in Conferences Proceedings and Technical Reports
Cribari, V. (2017). Section one, two and three. In G. Tecilla, G. Altieri, V. Cribari, S. Cattani, M. Merzliak, G. Roncador, G. (Eds.). Working Papers 4. Infrastrutture turistiche e paesaggio. Le stazioni di partenza degli impianti di risalita in Trentino: criticità paesaggistiche e prospettive di riqualificazione [Tourism infrastructure and landscape. Ski lift departure stations in Trentino: landscape criticalities and redevelopment perspectives]. Trentino Landscape Observatory. Autonomous Province of Trento (IT). Quaderni%20di%20lavoro/Q04_Infrastrutture%20turistiche%20e%20paesaggio_ridotto.pdf
Tecilla, G., Altieri, G., Cribari, V., Cattani, S., Merzliak, M., Roncador, G. (2017). Quaderni di Lavoro, n. 4, Infrastrutture turistiche e paesaggio. Le stazioni di partenza degli impianti di risalita in Trentino: criticità paesaggistiche e prospettive di riqualificazione [Tourism infrastructure and landscape. Ski lift departure stations in Trentino: landscape criticalities and redevelopment perspectives]. Trentino Landscape Observatory. Autonomous Province of Trento (IT).
Cribari, V. (2017). Towards coevolutionary patterns for functional landscape infrastructures. In S. Favargiotti, S. Staniscia (Eds.). Flowing Knowledge. Monograph.Research R.E.D.S. 03. List, Trento (IT).
Cribari V. (2017). Nuove interfacce paesaggistiche per infrastrutture autostradali [New landscape interfaces for highway infrastructures]. Planum. The Journal of Urbanism (2017). Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the Italian Urban Studies Society: “Cambiamenti. Responsabilità e strumenti per l'urbanistica al servizio del paese”. Workshop 5A. Catania 16-18 Giugno.
Diamantini C., Cribari V. (2014). Dalla campagna alla campagna. L’evoluzione dell’uso del suolo agricolo nel territorio periurbano a nord di Trento [From the countryside to the countryside. The evolution of agricultural land use in the suburban areas in the north of Trento]. 18th National Conference ASITA, Firenze, 14-16 ottobre 2014. Atti di ASITA, 2014, p. 423-430. ISBN 978-88-903132-9-5. [Article - Peer reviewed]
Cribari V., Malossini M. (2013). Processi per la rigenerazione del paesaggio delle aree industriali e artigianali del Trentino [Processes for regenerating the landscape of the industrial and mixed-industrial areas in Trentino]. OTTO progetti di paesaggio per il Trentino: l’esperienza del Fondo per il paesaggio della Provincia autonoma di Trento, Trento: Edizioni Provincia Autonoma di Trento. Quaderni_del_paesaggio_trentino/2013_qpt_2_completo.pdf
Cribari V., Malossini M. (2012). Processi per la rigenerazione del paesaggio delle aree industriali e artigianali del Trentino. Rapporto di ricerca, 2011-12. [Processes for regenerating the landscape of the industrial and mixed-industrial areas in Trentino. Research Report, 2011-12]. Progetti del Fondo per il paesaggio della Provincia autonoma di Trento, Provincia autonoma di Trento. T2_Studio_completo_Aree_artigianali.pdf
Cribari V., Malossini M. (2012). Paesaggio e Urbanistica per le aree industriali e artigianali del Trentino: nuovi archetipi dei paesaggi delle produzioni [Landscape and Urban Planning for the industrial and mixed-industrial areas of Trentino: new archetypes for working landscapes]. In Planum, The Journal of Urbanism, 25 (2). Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the Italian Urban Studies Society: “L’urbanistica che cambia, Rischi e Valori.” Pescara, 10-11 Maggio 2012.
Diamantini C., G. Scaglione, C. Rizzi, S. Staniscia, M. Ricci, V. Cribari. Reinventing A22 Ecoboulevard. Verso Infrastrutture Osmotiche [Reinventing the A22 Ecoboulevard. Towards Osmotic Infrastructures]. Planum. The Journal of Urbanism (2011). Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the Italian Urban Studies Society “Abitare l'Italia. Territori, Economie, Diseguaglianze,” Turin, March 24—26, 2011.
Scaglione G., Ricci M., Cribari V., Rizzi C., Staniscia S. (2011). Ecopoli VS Metropoli. Palazzo Firmian, Trento (Italy).
Scaglione G., Ricci M., Cribari V., Rizzi C., Staniscia S. (2011). Verso Infrastrutture Osmotiche / Towards Osmotic Infrastructures. Fuori Salone-Milano Design Week, Milan (Italy).
Design Challenges, Biennale Sessions, 2016. International Conference R.E.D.S. – Reporting from the Italian Front. “The future Infrastructure – New Smart Barriers for the A22 Highway”, Biennale di Venezia, Venice (IT).
Best Paper, Annual Conference of the Society of Territorialists. 2015, Back to the Mountains, section “Science in Action”, Journal Scienze del Territorio (Firenze University Press).
Beyond Urbanization, 2012. Invited lecturer and project exhibition. Processes for the landscape regeneration of the industrial and mixed-industrial areas of Trentino. International Institute of Architecture, Lugano (Switzerland).
Competition for the New Trento–Tione Railway Network (Metroland). 2013. 2nd Prize. Restricted competition (with prequalification). Design team. Client: Autonomous Province of Trento - IT.
Redevelopment of the Industrial Areas of Trento Province, 2010. 1st Prize. Design team. Client: Autonomous Province of Trento - IT.
+Xm Plusform: Architecture in Calabria U40. 2008. Finalist project.
Landscape and Environmental Redevelopment of the Pine Forest of Punta Alice. 2004. Municipality of Cirò Marina (Kr). Design Team. Project 2nd classified.
PhD, Human and Community Development, West Virginia University
Graduate Certificate in GIS and Spatial Analysis, West Virginia University
Master of Architecture, University of Florence (IT)